
How to Quickly Set up a Benchmark for Deep Learning Models with Kedro?

Generative AI: a guide to evaluate synthetic tabular data

Data Augmentation: How do GANs synthesize tabular data in recent studies?

A quick notebook about Speech-to-text and Topic modeling

Study of Several Generative Models for Image-to-Image

A short Study using Disaster Tweets Dataset

Paper: Optimizing Word Alignments with Better Subword Tokenization

Défi Vert - iOs Application

Thesis - Generative Probabilistic Alignment Models for Words and Subwords: a Systematic Exploration of the Limits and Potentials of Neural Parametrizations

Paper: Generative Latent Neural Models for Automatic Word Alignment

Paper: Neural Baselines for Word Alignment

Generative Adversarial Networks in Neural Machine Translation

Scholar Project: Second-Order HMM for Typos Correction